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What IS a Plant Swap?
Another Plant Swap is an event where local planty people gather with some healthy, pest-free plants and cuttings, all of which they would like to swap away.
Over the course of the event, people will swap their unwanted plants by chatting with other plant parents and agreeing on a suitable swap together.
How Does Our Swap Work?
What Should I bring?
healthy, pest-free plants or cuttings you want to swap away (we recommend 10-15 cuttings but don't let us stop you bringing more
a bag or box to transport your plants to and from the swap
an open mind and friendly heart!
What if no one wants my plants?
We highly doubt that will happen. People will be bringing plants of varous values and rarities, from golden pothos and spider plants to uncommon philodendron and anthuriums. We've seen it all!
We've also found that people often swap plants of unequal monetary value. If you have a plant that someone else doesn't have, it has added collection value to them.
Should my Cuttings be rooted?
They don't need to be!
They can be fresh cut the morning of the swap or have been rooting for months now. As long as the plant is healthy & pest-free, it doesn't really matter.
There will be an area on your plant's ID card at the swap where you can say whether the cuttings are rooted or not. And don't worry we will provide the ID cards.
Are there any Plant Size Restrictions?
Not really, but remember you will have to carry plants to and from the event. We suggest you only bring plants in 12cm pots or smaller.
Will I be able to buy plants?
Nope! This is a bartering event and selling will not be allowed.
Plants should only be swapped at the event, no promises of future swaps or payments please. You can however give plants away for free if you want!
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